2017Sululu, J.S., Ndaro, S.G and Kangwe, S.J (2017). The food and feeding habits of the Delagoa threadfin bream, Nemipterus bipunctatus (Valenciennes, 1830), from the coastal waters around Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. WIO Journal of Marine Science 16 (1 ) 2017 13-23.
2017Maneveldt, G.W., Gabrielson, P.W and Kangwe, J (2017). Sporolithon indopacificum sp. nov. (Sporolithales, Rhodophyta) from tropical western Indian and western Pacific oceans: First report, confirmed by DNA sequence data, of a widely distributed species of Sporolithon. Phytotaxa 326 (2): 115–128.
2016Kaunda-Arara, B., Munga, C., Manyala, J., Kuguru, B., Igulu, M., Chande, M., Kangwe, S., Mwakiti, S., thoya, P., Mbaru, E., Ruwa, R (2016). Spatial variation in benthopelagic fish assemblage structure along the coastal of East African from recent bottom trawl surveys. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2016 April 12.
2009Semesi, I.S, Kangwe, J., Bjork, M. (2009). Alterations in seawater pH and CO2 affect calcification and photosynthesis in the tropical coralline alga, Hydolithon sp. (Rhodophyta). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 84: 337-341.
2006N. Nyandwi and J. Kangwe (2006). Ecological and engineering importance of the Bet el Ras Beach-sandstone. Tanzania Journal of Science, Vol. 32 (2), 117-123.
2015Shaghude, Y.W., Mburu, J.W., Arthurton, R.S., Dubi, A., Gachuiri, S., Kangwe, J., Magori, C., Msuya, F., Mwaipopo, R., Nyandwi, N., Ochiewo, J., Ong’anda, H., Sallema, R.M., Sanga, I., Shalli, M. and Uku, J. (2015). Shoreline change in Tanzania and Kenya – A manual for assessment and design for mitigation strategies, WIOMSA Book Series No 16, Zanzibar, WIOMSA, xii + 85pp.
Book Chapters
2012Kangwe, J., Semesi, S., Beer, S., Mtolera, M and Björk, M. (2012). “Carbonate Production by Calcareous Algae in a Seagrass-Dominated System: The Example of Chwaka Bay” In: People, Nature and Research in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania, de la Torre-Castro, M. and T.J. Lyimo (eds.). Pp. 125-141. ISBN: 978-9987-9559-1-6. Zanzibar Town: WIOMSA.
