Said Mgeleka currently is a student at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University. He also works at the Institute of Fisheries Research in Tanzania (TAFIRI). Said does research in Marine Biology specializing in ecological connectivity.

YearPositionInstitution Name
2009-00-00Senior Research Officer ITanzania Fisheries Research Institute

2023Mgeleka, S. S., Silas, M. O., Mtonga, C., Rumisha, C., Viinamäki, E., Polte, P., … Gullström, M. (2023). Population genetics of the hound needlefish Tylosurus crocodilus (Belonidae) indicate high connectivity in Tanzanian coastal waters. Marine Biology Research, 19(4–5), 261–270.
2023Silas, M. O., Kishe, M. A., Semba, M. R., Kuboja, B. N., Ngatunga, B., Mgeleka, S. S., ... & Gullström, M. (2023). Seascape configuration influences big blue octopus (Octopus cyanea) catches: Implications for a sustainable fishery. Fisheries Research, 264, 106716.
2023Silas, M. O., Mgeleka, S. S., & Kangwe, J. S. (2023). River discharge, fishing effort and catch composition of prawn fisheries in coastal Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 22(2), 135-145.
2023Silas, M. O., Semba, M. L., Mgeleka, S. S., Van Well, L., Linderholm, H. W., & Gullström, M. (2023). Using fishers’ local ecological knowledge for management of small-scale fisheries in data-poor regions: Comparing seasonal interview and field observation records in East Africa. Fisheries Research, 264, 106721.
2020Silas, M. O., Mgeleka, S. S., Polte, P., Sköld, M., Lindborg, R., de la Torre-Castro, M., & Gullström, M. (2020). Adaptive capacity and coping strategies of small-scale coastal fisheries to declining fish catches: Insights from Tanzanian communities. Environmental Science & Policy, 108, 67-76.
2019Jahnke, M., Gullström, M., Larsson, J., Asplund, M. E., Mgeleka, S., Silas, M. O., ... & Nordlund, L. M. (2019). Population genetic structure and connectivity of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in the Western Indian Ocean is influenced by predominant ocean currents. Ecology and evolution, 9(16), 8953-8964.

Position:Senior Research Officer I