As an experienced fisheries research scientist, I have dedicated the last decade of my career to studying small-scale fisheries and analysing data to effect positive policy change. I possess extensive knowledge of quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods, which have proven invaluable tools in my research. My primary area of interest is the study of small-scale fisheries (SSFs) in coastal Tanzania. I have directed my efforts towards understanding the effects of climate change and fishing pressure on these fisheries. Through my work, I have gained valuable insights into how these fisheries respond to various environmental stressors and how they can be managed sustainably in the long run.

YearPositionInstitution Name
2007-00-00ResearcherTanzania Fisheries Research Institute
2022Fisheries EcotoxicologyStockholm University (SU)SwedenPhD

2023Silas MO, Semba ML, Mgeleka SS, Van Well L, Linderholm HW, Gullström M (2023) Using fishers’ local ecological knowledge for management of small-scale fisheries in data-poor regions: Comparing seasonal interview and field observation records in East Africa. Fisheries Research 264:106721.
2023Silas MO, Kishe MA, Semba MR, Kuboja BN, Ngatunga B, Mgeleka SS, Linderholm HW, Dahl M, Gullström M (2023) Seascape configuration influences big blue octopus (Octopus cyanea) catches: Implications for a sustainable fishery. Fisheries Research 264:106716
2023Mgeleka SS, Silas MO, Mtonga C, Rumisha C, Viinamäki E, Polte P, Sköld M, Winder M, Gullström M (2023) Population genetics of the hound needlefish Tylosurus crocodilus (Belonidae) indicate high connectivity in Tanzanian coastal waters. Marine Biology Research:1-10.
2022Silas MO, Kishe MA, Mgeleka SS, Kuboja BN, Ngatunga BP, Matiku P (2022) The octopus fishing closures positively impact human wellbeing and management success; case of Tanzania. Ocean & Coastal Management 217:106022.
2022Shoko, A.P., Limbu, S.M., Ulotu, E.E., Shayo, S.D., Silas, M.O., Chimatiro, S.K. et al. (2022) Fish seed and feed value chains analysis and their critical factors for aquaculture development in Tanzania. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 00, 1– 16.
2021Wilson RJ, Sailley SF, Jacobs ZL, Kamau J, Mgeleka S, Okemwa GM, Omukoto JO, Osuka KE, Samoilys M, Sauer W, Silas MO, Sululu JS, Roberts MJ (2021) Large projected reductions in marine fish biomass for Kenya and Tanzania in the absence of climate mitigation. Ocean & Coastal Management 215:105921. doi:
2021Silas M.O., Kishe M.A., Mshana J.G., Semba M.L., Mgeleka S.S., Kuboja B.N., Ngatunga B.P., Chande M.A. & Matiku P. (2021) Growth, mortality, exploitation rate and recruitment pattern of Octopus cyanea (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the WIO region: A case study from the Mafia Archipelago, Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 20, 71-9.
2020 Silas, M. O., Mgeleka, S. S., Polte, P., Sköld, M., Lindborg, R., de la Torre-Castro, M., & Gullström, M. (2020). Adaptive capacity and coping strategies of small-scale coastal fisheries to declining fish catches: Insights from Tanzanian communities. Environmental Science & Policy, 108, 67-76. doi:
2019Jahnke M., Gullström M., Larsson J., Asplund M.E., Mgeleka S., Silas M.O., Hoamby A., Mahafina J. & Nordlund L.M. (2019) Population genetic structure and connectivity of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in the Western Indian Ocean is influenced by predominant ocean currents. Ecology and Evolution

Position:Fisheries Researcher
Address:Kunduchi, Dar es salaam