2012  Ngupula, G. W., Ezekiel, C. N., Kimirei, I. A., Mboni, E., and Kashindye, B. (2012) Physical and chemical characteristics of the Tanzanian inshore and offshore waters of Lake Victoria in 2005-2008. African Journal of Aquatic Science 37(3):339-345    
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2012  Nunan; F., Luomba, J.O., Lwenya, C., Yongo, E., Odongkara, K., Ntambi, B., (2012). Finding space for participation: fisher folk mobility and co-management of Lake Victoria fisheries. Environmental Management. 50: 204-216    
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2012  Shayo SD., Mwita CJ and Hosea KM: Virulence of Pseudomonas and Aeromonas bacteria recovered from Oreochromis niloticus (Perege) from Mtera hydropower Dam; Tanzania.    
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2012  Kishe-Machumu, M.A., Witte, F., Wanink, J.H., Katunzi, E.F.B. (2012) The diet of Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.) after resurgence of haplochromine cichlids in the Mwanza Gulf of Lake Victoria. Hydrobiologia 682, 111-119.    
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2012   Ngatunga, B.P., Lugendo, B.R., Kishe-Machumu, M.A. (2012) Checklist of Tanzanian fishes. In: Gideon H, Nyinondi P & Oyema G: Checklist of Tanzanian species. Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology 1: 143-194.    
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2012  Witte, F., Seehausen, O., Wanink, J.H., Kishe-Machumu, M.A., Rensing, M., Goldschmidt, T. (2012a) Cichlid species diversity in naturally and anthropogenically turbid habitats of Lake Victoria, East Africa. Aquatic Sciences.    
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2012   Witte, F., Silsbe, G.M., Hecky, R.E., Goudswaard, P.C., Guildford, S.J., Kishe-Machumu, M.A., Wanink, J.H. (2012b) Did the loss of phytoplanktivorous fish contribute to algal blooms in the Mwanza Gulf of Lake Victoria? Hydrobiologia 679, 283-296.    
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2012  Ngupula, G. W., Ezekiel, C. N., Kimirei, I. A., Mboni, E. and Kashindye, B. B. (2012). Physical and chemical characteristics of the Tanzanian inshore and offshore waters of Lake Victoria in 2005–2008. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 37:3, 339-345    
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2011  Kimirei, I. A.; Nagelkerken, I., Griffioen, B., Wagner, C., and Mgaya, Y. D. (2011). Ontogenetic habitat use by mangrove/seagrass-associated coral reef fishes shows flexibility in time and space. Estuarine, coast and Shelf Science 92:47-58    
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2011  Shayo SD., Machiwa JF and Lugomela C: Influence of land use patterns on some limnological characteristics in the southeastern part of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management.    
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2011  Okuku, E.O., Peter, H.K. (2012) Choose of Heavy Metals Pollution Biomonitors: A Critic of the Method that uses Sediments total Metals Concentration as the Benchmark. International Journal of Environmental Research 6, 313-322.   
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2010  Ngupula, G. W. and Mlaponi, E.(2010) Changes in abundance of Nile shrimp, Caridina nilotica (Roux) following the decline of Nile perch and recovery of native haplochromine fishes, Lake Victoria, Tanzanian waters, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 13: 2, 196 — 202 D OI:10.1080/14634988.2010.483188 URL:    
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2010  Okuku, E.O., Mubiana, V.K., Hagos, K.G., Peter, H.K. and Blust, R. (2010). Bioavailability of Sediment-bound Heavy Metals on the East African Coast. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 31 - 42.    
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2009  Plisnier, P.-D., Mgana, H., Kimirei, I. A., Chande, A. I, Makasa, L., Chimanga, J., Zulu, F., Cocquyt, C., Horion, S., Bergamino, N., Naithani, J., Deleersnijder, E., Andre´, L., Descy, J.-P., Cornet, Y., (2009). Limnological variability and pelagic fish abundance (Stolothrissa tanganicae and Lates stappersii) in Lake Tanganyika. Hydrobiologia 625: 117-134   
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2009  Lwenya, C., Bwambale M., Luomba, J, O., Yongo, E., (2009). Gender integration in the management of Lake Victoria fisheries. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries. 12: 59-66    
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2009  Odongkara, K., Abila, R., Luomba, J.O., (2009). The contribution of Lake Victoria fisheries to national economies. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries. 12: 47-51    
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2009  Semesi, I.S, Kangwe, J., Bjork, M. (2009). Alterations in seawater pH and CO2 affect calcification and photosynthesis in the tropical coralline alga, Hydolithon sp. (Rhodophyta). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 84: 337-341.   
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2009  M. Njiru, A. Getabu, A.M. Taabu, E. Mlaponi, L. Muhoozi and O. C. Mkumbo (2009) Managing Nile perch using slot size: is it possible?, African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 12: 9-14,    
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2009   Kayanda, R., Taabu, A.M., Tumwebaze, R., Muhoozi, L., Jembe, T., Mlaponi, E., And Nzungi, P. (2009) Status of the Major Commercial Fish Stocks and Proposed Species-specific Management Plans for Lake Victoria, African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 12: 15-21.    
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2008  Kimirei, I. A., Mgaya, Y. D., and Chande, A. I. (2008) Changes in species composition and abundance of commercially important pelagic fish species in Kigoma area, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11:29-35    
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