2018  Mwijage, A.P., Shilla, D.A., Machiwa, J.F. (2018a) Differences in trophic resources and niches of two juvenile predatory species in three Pangani estuarine zones, Tanzania: stomach contents and stable isotope approaches. Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki 25, 13    
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2018  Shechonge, A., Ngatunga, B.P., Bradbeer, S.J.,Ford, A.G.P., Smith, A.M., Tamatamah, R.,Harrington, J., Turner, G.F. & Genner, M.J. (2018) Losing cichlid fish biodiversity: genetic and morphological homogenization of tilapia following colonization by introduced species. Conservation Genetics (https://doi.org10.1007/s10592-018-1088-1    
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2018  Mwijage, A.P., Shilla, D.A., Machiwa, J.F., Zhang, J., Fuqiang, W., Ying, W. (2018b) Important organic matter sources and trophic pathways for the nutrition of Hilsa kelee (Cuvier, 1829) and Valamugil buchanani (Bleeker, 1853) in Pangani macro-tidal estuary, Tanzania. Chemistry and Ecology 34, 941-963.    
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2018  Turner, G., Shechonge, A. & Tweddle, D. 2018. Oreochromis chungruruensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T60626A47204093.    
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2018   Kunzmann, A., Beltran-Gutierrez, M., Fabiani, G., Namukose, M., Msuya, F. E. (2018). Integrated seaweed–sea cucumber farming in Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 17(2), 35-50.    
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2018   Nunan et al (2018): Compliance, Corruption and Co-management: how corruption fuels illegalities and undermines the legitimacy of fisheries co-management.    
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2018  MHAGAMA F.L, MAGRETH.J. MUSIBA M. J, SALEHE M.A, LUOMBA J, MLAHAGWA E, MASHAFI C, KASHINDYE B.B, AND HILARY.D. MROSSO, (2018). The socio-economic implications of illegal fishing practices in Lake Victoria: a case study of three Villages in Tanzania. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries VOL 16, pp. 72-77.    
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2018  ODONGKARA K, YONGO E, MHAGAMA F, ONYANGO P, CHIMATIRO S, TUMWEBAZE R, AKUMU J, MBILINGI B, OKURA R, NASUUNA A, OCHAYA H, OWILI M, BWANA E and ONGANDA M, (2018). Strategies to Improve Trade in Dagaa (Rastrineobola argentea) from Lake Victoria. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries VOL 16, pp. 63-71.    
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2018   ODONGKARA K, YONGO E, MHAGAMA F, ONYANGO P, CHIMATIRO S, TUMWEBAZE R, AKUMU J, MBILINGI B, OKURA R, NASUUNA A, OCHAYA H, OWILI M, BWANA E and ONGANDA M, (2018). Strategies to Improve Trade in Dagaa (Rastrineobola argentea) from Lake Victoria. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries VOL 16, pp. 63-71.    
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2018  Mhagama et al (2018): The Socio-economic Implications of Illegal Fishing Practices in Lake Victoria: A Case Study of Three Villages in Tanzania.    
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2018  Mhagama, F.L, M.J. Musiba, M.A. Salehe, J. Luomba, E. Mlahagwa, C. Mashafi, B.B. Kashindye and H.D. Mrosso (2018). The socio-economic implications of illegal fishing practices in Lake Victoria: a case study of three Villages in Tanzania. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 16: 72-77.    
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2018   Mboni V.E., E. Mlaponi, M.J. Musiba, G.W. Ngupula, B.B. Kashindye and R.J. Kayanda (2018). Changes in the Diet of Synodontis victoriae and Synodontis afrofischeri in Lake Victoria, Tanzanian waters. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 16: 10-15.    
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2018   M. V. Elison, E. Mlaponi, M.J. Musiba, G.W. Ngupula B.B. Kashindye and R. J. Kayanda (2018). Changes in diet of Synodontis victoriae and Synodontis afrofischeri in the Lake Victoria, Tanzanian waters. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 16: 10-15    
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2018   Bradbeer, S.J., Harrington, J., Watson, H., Warraich, A., Shechonge, A., Smith, A., Tamatamah, R., Ngatunga, B.P., Turner, G.F. & Genner, M.J. (2018) Limited hybridization between introduced and critically endangered indigenous tilapia fishes in northern Tanzania. Hydrobiologia (    
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2018   Shayo SD and Limbu SM:Nutrient release from sediments and biological nitrogen fixation: Advancing our understanding of eutrophication sources in Lake Victoria, Tanzania    
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2018  M. V. Elison, E. Mlaponi, M.J. Musiba, G.W. Ngupula B.B. Kashindye and R. J. Kayanda (2018). Changes in diet of Synodontis victoriae and Synodontis afrofischeri in the Lake Victoria, Tanzanian waters. First presented at Lake Victoria Basin Environmental Research and Scientific Conference 15th -16th February 2017. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 16:10-15.    
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2018   Elison, M. V., Mlaponi, E., Musiba, M. J., Godfrey W. Ngupula, G.W., Kashindye, B. B., and Kayanda, R. (2018). Changes in the Diet of Synodontis victoriae and Synodontis afrofischeri in Lake Victoria, Tanzanian waters. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 16: 10-15 (2018)    
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2018   Mhagama, F. L., Magreth .J. Musiba, M. J., Salehe, M. A., Luomba, J., Mlahagwa, E., Mashafi, C., Kashindye, B. B., and Mrosso, H. D. (2018). The socio-economic implications of illegal fishing practices in Lake Victoria: a case study of three Villages in Tanzania. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 16: 72-77 (2018)    
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2018  Yona, G.K (2018). Effect of culture Temperature on Rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis sensu strictu) Size and reproduction Activities. Tanzania Journal of Agriculture Science. 17:(1) 23-30   
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2018   Mhagama F. L, Musiba, M.J, Salehe M.M, Mlahagwa E, Mashafi C., Luomba, J., Kashindye, B.B., Mrosso, H. D., (2018). The socio economic implication on illegal fishing Practice in Lake Victoria: a case study of three Villages in Tanzania. Africa Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries, Issue No 16: 72-77 pg    
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