2016   Paulsen J, Rohner CA, Reuter H, Levenson JJ, Pierce SJ, Diamant S, Prebble CEM, Igulu M, Kuguru B. (2016) Fine-scale behavior of whale sharks off Mafia Island, Tanzania. QScience Proceedings (The 4th International Whale Shark Conference) 2016:iwsc4.40 http://dx.doi. org/10.5339/qproc.2016.iwsc4.40    
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2016   Rohner CA, Pierce SJ, Prebbe CE, Igulu M, Kuguru B, Cagua EF, Cochran JE, Berumen ML, Paulsen J, Rubens J. (2016) Caught in the net: a small, resident group of whale sharks feeding among fishing boats. In: QScience Proceedings, The 4th International Whale Shark Conference, May 2016, Volume 2016, 53, DOI:    
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2016  Mziray P and Kimirei IA (2016) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in marine fishes (Siganus sutor, Lethrinus harak, and Rastrelliger kanagurta) from Dar es Salaam Tanzania. Regional Studies in Marine Science 7:72-80. doi:10.1016/j.rsma.2016.05.014   
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2016  Sweke E.A, Assam J.M., Chande A.I., Mbonde A., Mosha M. and Mtui A. (2016). Comparing the performance of protected and unprotected areas in conserving freshwater fish abundance and biodiversity in Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. International Journal of Biodiversity 2016, Article ID 7139689, 1–7   
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2016  Luomba, J.O., Chuenpagdee, R., Song, A.M., (2016). A bottom-up understanding of illegal unreported and unregulated fishing in Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Sustainability 8,    
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2016  Sweke E.A, Kobayashi Y., Makino M. and Sakurai Y. (2016). Comparative job satisfaction of fishers in northeast Hokkaido, Japan for coastal fisheries management and aquaculture development. Ocean and Coastal Management 120:170–179   
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2016  Semba M, Kimirei I, Kyewalyanga M, Peter N, Brendonck L, Somers B. (2016) The decline in phytoplankton biomass and prawn catches in the Rufiji-Mafia Channel, Tanzania. WIO Journal of Marine Science 15: 15-29   
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2016  Sweke EA, Assam JM, Chande AI, Mbonde AS, Mosha M, Mtui A (2016) Comparing the Performance of Protected and Unprotected Areas in Conserving Freshwater Fish Abundance and Biodiversity in Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. International Journal of Ecology 2016:7    
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2016  S. M. Limbu, A. P. Shoko, H. A. Lamtane, M. A. Kishe-Machumu, M. C. Joram, A. S. Mbonde, H. F. Mgana and Y. D. Mgaya (2016): Supplemental effects of mixed ingredients and rice bran on the growth performance, survival and yield of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus reared in fertilized earthen ponds. SpringerPlus (2016) 5:5; DOI 10.1186/s40064-015-1643-x    
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2016  S. M. Limbu, A. P. Shoko, H. A. Lamtane, M. A. Kishe-Machumu, M. C. Joram, A. S. Mbonde, H. F. Mgana and Y. D. Mgaya (2016): Fish polyculture system integrated with vegetable farming improves yield and economic benefits of small-scale farmers. Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48, (7), 3631 - 3644.    
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2016   Kashindye B.B., M. Elison, R. Kayanda, E. Mlaponi and M.J. Musiba (2016). Growth performance of Nile Tilapia and African catfish fed on rations formulated from locally available feed resources, Tanzania. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr., Fish 9 – 17.    
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2016  Kaunda-Arara, B., Munga, C., Manyala, J., Kuguru, B., Igulu, M., Chande, M., Kangwe, S., Mwakiti, S., thoya, P., Mbaru, E., Ruwa, R (2016). Spatial variation in benthopelagic fish assemblage structure along the coastal of East African from recent bottom trawl surveys. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2016 April 12.    
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2016   Kashindye B B, Elison M, Kayanda R, Mlaponi E and Musiba M J (2016). Growth performance of Nile Tilapia and African catfish fed on rations formulated from available feed resources, Tanzania. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa Fisheries and aquaculture, pp. 9 – 17    
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2016   Limbu, S.M., Shoko, A.P., Lamtane, H.A., Kishe-Machumu, M.A., Joram, M.C., Mbonde, A.S., Mgana, H.F., Mgaya, Y.D. (2016) Supplemental effects of ingredients and rice bran on the growth performance, survival and yield of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus reared in fertilized earthen ponds. Springerplus 5.    
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2016   van Rijssel, J.C., Hecky, R.E., Kishe-Machumu, M.A., Meijer, S.E., Pols, J., van Tienderen, K.M., Ververs, J.D., Wanink, J.H., Witte, F. (2016) Climatic variability in combination with eutrophication drives adaptive responses in the gills of Lake Victoria cichlids. Oecologia 182, 1187-1201.    
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2016  Kishe-Machumu, M.A., van Rijssel, J.C., Poste, A., Hecky, R.E., Witte, F. (2017) Stable isotope evidence from formalin-ethanol-preserved specimens indicates dietary shifts and increasing diet overlap in Lake Victoria cichlids. Hydrobiologia 791, 155-173. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-016-2925-1    
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2016  van Rijssel, J.C., Hecky, R.E., Kishe-Machumu, M.A., Witte, F. (2017) Changing ecology of Lake Victoria cichlids and their environment: evidence from C-13 and N-15 analyses. Hydrobiologia 791, 175-191. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-016-2790-y    
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2016  Limbu, S.M., Shoko, A.P., Lamtane, H.A., Kishe-Machumu, M.A., Joram, M.C., Mbonde, A.S., Mgana, H.F., Mgaya, Y.D. (2016) Supplemental effects of mixed ingredients and rice bran on the growth performance, survival and yield of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus reared in fertilized earthen ponds. Springerplus 5. DOI: 10.1186/s40064-015-1643-x    
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2016  Kashindye, B. B., Elison, M., Kayanda, R., Mlaponi, E. and Musiba, M. J. (2016). Growth performance of Nile Tilapia and African catfish fed on rations formulated from locally available feed resources, Tanzania. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr., Fish (2016), 9 – 17.    
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