The Unit will perform the following activities:-
- Interpret Public Service Regulations; Standing Orders and other Labour laws
- Oversee implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including corruption prevention education
- Administer and overse implementation of activities such as recruitment, selection, orientation, training and employee development, promotion, discipline, retention, motivation, performance management and general staff welfare
- Ensure optimal, efficient and effective management and utilisation of human resources
- Coordinate Workers Council and Trade Union affairs
- Oversee development and implementation of effective policies, procedures and guidelines for recruitment, training and employee development, deployment, retention of staff, promotions and performance management
- Conduct regular human resources audit and inventory of current and needed skills
- Process and update leave records such as vacation, sick, maternity, study and terminal
- Coordinate complaints and grievances handling
- Facilitate employee relations and welfare including employee health and safety, sports and culture
- Provide registry, messengerial and courier services and manage Office records
- Handle protocal matters
- Facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities
- Facilitate maintenance of Office equipment, builidings and grounds
- Coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities
- Coordinate implementation of Private Sector Participation, Business Process, Improvement and Client Service Charter; and
- Provide advice on organizational efficiency of the Office
The Sectiuon will be led by a Manager