To provide expertise and services in managing all procurement activities
The Unit will perform the following activities:-
- Prepare Annual procurement plan and its implementation strategy aligning to the Strategic plan and budget
- Advise the Management on matters pertaining to the procurement of goods, works, non consultancy and consultancy services and disposal of public goods
- Adhre to procurement process and procedures as per Public Procurement Act
- Procure, maintain, and manage supplies, materials and services to support the logistical requirement
- Ensure proper handling and storage, edequete and timely distribution of office supplies and materials
- Ensure safe storage of inward and outward goods
- Maintain and updates inventory of goods, supplies and disposal of public assets
- Be a Sectretary to the Tender Board as per Public Procurement Act
- Provide Secretarial services and functioning of the Tender Board
- Prepare tender documents and contracts for various tender awarded
- Prepare monthly reports for the Tender Board and
- Maintain an archive of records of the procurement and disposal processes
The Unit will be led by a Head who will be equivalent to Principal Officer