
To promote, conduct, and co-ordinate fisheries and aquaculture research with a purpose of establishing, improving or developing better methods or techniques of fishing, farming aquatic organisms, manufacturing of fish products and sustainable management of fisheries resources

The Directorate will perform the following functions:-

  • To co-ordinate implementation of fisheries research agenda
  • To co-ordinate all fisheries and aquacultiure research programmes, develop means of achieving respective research objective
  • To co-cordinate scientific research training programmes
  • To oversee research publications
  • To formulate corporate research policies and ensure their implementation
  • To solicit research funds from within and outside the country
  • To foster and coordinate fisheriess and aquaculture research undertakings by local and foreign scientists
  • To undertake fisheries and aquaculture research planning and coordinate
  • To coordinate fisheries and aquaculture research carried outside the country by using scientific material from Mainland Tanzania
  • To link TAFIRI with key stakeholders on matters related to fisheries and aquaculture research
  • To carry out research and investigation into fish disease and their causes so as to develop ways of controling or preventing the occurance of particular fish disease or any category of them
  • To establish and operate a system of document and dissemination of research findings to various stakeholders
  • To monitor and regulate all fisheries and aquaculture research activities in the Mainland Tanzania
  • To develop and implement medium and long-term fisheries research strategies of the institute; and
  • To advice the government, public institutions and person or bodies on matters relating to fisheries and aquaculture sector

The Unit will be led by a Director and will comprise of three sections; Fresh water Fisheries Research, Marine Fisheries Reserach Section, and Aquculture Research Section