To provide legal services to the Institute
The Unit will perform the following activities:-
- Provide legal support on various issues
- Index, file, register Government/Institute notices and all other legal documents and ensure their safe custody
- Compile evidence relevant for court cases involving the institute
- Attending to registration of all legal documents and probate matters
- Take charge of documents and correspondances of already assigned cases
- Deal with all legal routine correspondances addressed to the institute
- File and appear for criminal proceedings in courts
- Represent Institute in more complex legal actions in colllaborationwith the solicitor General
- Participate in negotiation for wrting up of all contract pertaining to such leases and transfer of properties with outside parties
- Handle, negotiate and draft of all contracts and other legal instruments; and
- Liase with Parent Ministry and the Office of Attorney General on legal matters related to TAFIRI
The Unit will be led by a Head who will be equivalent to Principal Officer